My Fall/Winter Morning Homebrew Power Tonic

In the past I’ve had my fair share of anxiety and depression, especially during the darker months of the year.

I’ve also had lots of concerns over my physical fitness & mental health in general.

Over the last several years I feel like I’ve figured out a ton & come up with a systematic approach of proactivity & prevention.

Here is one cup from my Life Happiness Kit:

I’ve been gathering rosemary & lavender from my local neighborhood & adding it to my morning tea which is also infused with ceylon cinnamon & mushroom powder. Talk about a power tonic that lights my mind & body on fire!! 🤓🔥🌱🧬☕️✨💪🏼

There is something super magical about foraging in your own neighborhood. I believe we are deeply connected to Earth & that she is always providing natural medicine in our environment to heal, protect & invigorate us! The more local the more powerful! 

There has been research done that shows that local & self-grown food actually provides the exact micronutrients our bodies are deficient in—simply amazing how connected we are to Gaia! 

When I think about this Earth Connection that is available to us all I always think about the scene in the movie Avatar where they all plug into the Mother Tree & give new life to the main character. Seriously awesome! 🌳🧬

Also, as many are already aware, I’m an energy obsessed mind & body #LifeAlchemist so I like to alchemize my tonic even further by brewing it in a cup of Earl Grey tea along with adding a natural #fatburner & #nootropic stack into the mix! 😅

See notes below for ingredients & benefits:


-antioxidants and anti-inflammatory

-improves digestion

-enhances memory & concentration

-neurological protection. ...

-prevent brain aging

-cancer protection

-protection against macular degeneration


-treats anxiety, stress & depression



-promotes hair growth

-keeps acne at bay

NeuroShroom Mushroom Powder by Primal Herb:

-This super blend of nootropic mushrooms & other powerful herbs has Lions Mane Mushroom, Reishi Spores & more! Further notes on the plethora of benefits in the link below.

-get it on Amazon:

Ceylon Cinnamon:

-supports healthy blood sugar levels

-promotes heart/circulatory health

-helps support fat metabolism

-get it on Amazon: 

Earl Grey Tea by Stash:

-I grew up w/ my mom brewing earl grey everyone morning. The smell of a cup of earl grey just brings me childhood joy & magic.

-black tea has a good shot of caffeine which is an energy & mood booster as well as an appetite suppressant.

-bergamot oil enhances mood, reduces stress, stimulates circulation, improves digestion, & alleviates pain

-get it on Amazon:

Gather Up & Garden The Magic In Your life

I highly encourage everyone to get out in your local neighborhood & forage! This can be done in cities too! Just google “city foraging” & “urban foraging” & learn this magical skill for yourself!

Walking your neighborhood will bring you massive joy & appreciation for your life. I do my best to walk regularly no matter the weather. There is no such thing as inappropriate weather. There is just inappropriate clothing & gear.

On a similar note, growing your own life empowering garden is another super powerful Life Skill—thanks for the awesome upbringing and positive influence Mom & Dad! And major shoutout to my partner Carly for bringing this skill back into my everyday life!

Happy Alchemizing everyone! 


UPDATE: I’ve been rotating my earl grey tea with Chai to enjoy the benefits of cardamom oil—a key ingredient in most Chai.

End Notes:

-The act of foraging was inspired by the awesome book “The Finnish Way” by Katja Pantzar. It’s also where I solidified the concept about getting outside no matter the weather (just wear appropriate clothing/gear). It’s something I was sometimes good about, but not always. Now I have clear understanding & process to follow.

-My walking habit forever fueled by the truly magical book “The Wander Society” by Keri Smith. This book fundamentally changed my life.

Lots more life empowering content on my Instagram: